10.18.11 Update: I recently learned PDFs are, and have been since 2001, indexed by Google.
I’m interested in how businesses can distribute and share their documents & publications across various platforms, versus keeping a monthly newsletter trapped in its PDF filing cabinet or parked in an email. We’re now able to publish on platforms that are accessible to our audience regardless of device.
Additional products/services will be rolled out over the next few weeks, too. As a designer who enjoys the convergence of text + imagery, I’ve been concerned about quality on your monitor, smart phone or tablet; but I think that argument is mostly extinguished as technology improves every day.
Creative Aces’ Digital Publishing Services is on online publishing, viewer and analytical platform powered by Issuu. The features offered at PRO level have the potential to increase readership and feedback from your own list plus Issuu’s 33 Million monthly readers. As we begin to bridge the desktop-to-tablet technology, additional features of this platform include:
- Customize the viewer with logo, icons, colors, animations
- Remove the advertising sidebar on embedded and standalone publications
- Newsstand/library to display and monetize your publications
- Organize documents and distribute your content
- Bulk upload for uploading hundreds of publications
- Auto-embedding to automatically embed latest edition
- Detailed statistics and reporting
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and high Google ranking
- Active links to websites, email links and advertisers
- Add audio/video to your documents or presentation
We can get the process started with previously published documents and begin building a library of materials outside of the corporate server or a “jump drive.”
Here’s a just a few ideas: Investment profile or white paper, quarterly earnings presentation, sales presentation, annual report, monthly newsletter, portfolio, “look” book, etc. in which we could build a direct marketing campaign and track the results.