The trade show and fall meeting schedules are as abundant as the pumpkins in the patch.
- When was the last time you stepped back to REALLY look at your current presentation and supporting collateral?
- Are these key marketing tools outdated?
- Lacking the solid connection to your current messaging?
- Has your visual branding evolved?
Pumpkin Chunkin’ Round 1
Slapping your logo on a stock template your assistant may have download for mere dollars is NOT the best path to creating brand awareness. The CEO of a point-of-sale technology and services company contacted me after viewing my pitch decks on He shared with me the current state of his presentation, frustrated that it lacked any connection to his company. The content needed to be tweaked and a template created for an upcoming sales webinar in a few days. Digging deep into the company’s website and other supporting material, I created initial composite designs for the client’s approval and went to work importing the content. The CEO would edit accordingly. The custom template included images, color palette and fonts which complimented the current branding. Also suggested that the CEO consider a customer-centric design for each of the three major market segments served.
Pumpkin Chunkin’ Round 2
Another client was invited to present his company to a high-profile industry event, the catch NO POWERPOINT. The CEO of this technology services company, in the oil & gas industry, was confident in his ability to make the presentation without the slides, but wanted a “leave behind” (aka fact sheet) to highlight the investment appeals. We extracted key slides from the existing pitch deck, tweaked copy, updated data and designed an attract single page sell sheet. This high impact piece will serve as an extension of the speech…simple and elegant.
Whether it’s an upcoming online webinar or in-person presentation, take a hard look at your materials and ask yourself how these will serve your goals. I offer a Free Consultation to review your pitch deck and assess how we can align it with your task-at-hand.